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Feb. 11, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          Feb. 11, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, John Mirick, Ann Neuburg and Richard Bisk. Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Jan. 7, 2014 with correction of a typo.

~Old Business

Expected Gary Griffin but he was absent. He had asked to divide six ANR lots on 18 acre parcel (Map 6 Lot 5) on Old Colony Road, but zoning requires a division of more than four lots to submit an Open Space Residential Design which he wants to avoid—citing the expense. Board members researched options, and discussed the possibility of using the “Backlot Development” provision for a bonus lot, but John M. suggested its limit of “not more than five lots” total would prevail. The board agreed that provisions in both OSRD and Backlot Development are vague and may be addressed at a future time.

The three articles for ATM are set, and the board decided on a public hearing date of April 1. The first article will add descriptive text to Section XIX “Village Overlay District” that was approved at the May 2014 ATM; the second article will add a new Section XX “Earth Removal” and delete Section VII, 7. “Removal of Earth” and a third will amend  Section VI, 1., (D) and (E) by changing the word “structure” to “building.”

Other Business

The board spent some time discussing population projections for Princeton.

Administrative Business

Chairman reviewed mail. It was noted that a public hearing will be held  March 4 in the Annex (small room) for the Four Corners neighborhood to be accepted into the National Register of Historic Places. Signatures were completed on the special permit for 317 Worcester Road and the 20-day appeal period ends Feb. 24.

8:07 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Princeton Zoning Bylaws May 2014; draft dated 1/12/15 for a proposed Earth Removal Bylaw

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department